Funding The Turnaround of A Distressed Business

There’s an old military saying that holds true in business: “No plan survives contact with the enemy.” Regardless of how carefully and well-thought-out your business plan, things can always go wrong. If we’ve learned anything from 2020 and the worldwide pandemic, it...
Adapting to the Pandemic Market

Adapting to the Pandemic Market

As 2021 continues, the coronavirus continues as well. Even with the vaccine in play, the timeline to full vaccination for large swaths of the country is rolling out on an extended timeline over quarters rather than months. Even the most optimistic models predict that...

Using PPP Funds in the First Quarter

The coronavirus has really put a damper on the economy, making it harder for companies to operate. In an effort to boost those businesses, the government enacted the Payment Protection Program, or PPP. With the funds from PPP, many companies have been able to stay...
Planning Ahead for 2021

Planning Ahead for 2021

2020 has been a rough year for everyone, especially business owners. Thousands of businesses across the country have slowed down or even closed in an effort to stay afloat. Unfortunately, as 2021 begins, the economic outlook is still flat. However, for companies that...